GCAP3076 Service-Learning in Fighting Poverty Virtual Exhibition

In GCAP3076 Service-Learning in Fighting Poverty, students will explore the poverty issues through lectures and community engagement. The course will start with an introduction of various poverty concepts and theories and an overview of the poverty situation in Hong Kong. Students will then move on to explore how human incentives matter in fighting poverty by studying the stories of failed and successful poverty alleviation measures.


In collaboration with NGOs, students will gain first person experience of the poverty issue and interact with grassroots in Hong Kong through direct participation in their community programmes. Students will team up in small groups to work on an innovative project that will alleviate poverty or promote social inclusion. This allows students to integrate academic content with experience gained from community engagement.


Take a tour in the virtual exhibition below to watch the videos to learn more about the service-learning journeys of students and read the booklets published by the stakeholders of the course to learn more about what the community partners and students had benefited from GCAP3076.





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