In Conversation with Exemplary GE Instructors: Fostering Social and Entrepreneurial Innovation through Art and Technology

GEO & Local Events


In this sharing session, the two General Education (GE) Teaching Award recipients from the Academy of Visual Arts will share their good practices of integrating technology into GE art subjects. Ms. Janet Fong, the winner of the GE Teaching Award (Early Career) AY2023/24, will showcase how she capitalises on virtual and digital teaching and learning (VTL/DTL) elements in her GE Capstone course, GCAP3215 Art and the Community, to create significant societal impacts through community art.

Ms. Anna Qin, the recipient of the GE Teaching Award (Early Career) – Honourable Mention, will also share how her GE Level 2 courses, GTCU2007 Creative Entrepreneurship and GTSU2057 Sustainable Design Thinking, nurture students’ entrepreneurial creativity through technology. As an active member of the “GE Peer Support ‘Buddy’ Programme”, she will discuss the benefits of collegial support to enhance teaching efficiency.



Topic: In Conversation with Exemplary GE Instructors: Fostering Social and Entrepreneurial Innovation through Art and Technology

Date: 7 March 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 2:30pm - 4pm


Ms Janet Fong, Research Assistant Professor of Academy of Visual Arts, GE Teaching Award Winner (Early Career) AY2023/24

Ms Anna Qin, Assistant Professor of Academy of Visual Arts, GE Teaching Award (Early Career - Honourable Mention) AY2023/24

Mode: Zoom

Highlights of the Sharing:

      • Showcase the integration of virtual and digital teaching and learning (VTL/DTL) initiatives into GE art subjects
      • Explore the community impacts achieved through the integration of art tech and technology
      • Nurture students’ innovative mindset and entrepreneurial creativity in GE
      • Discuss the benefits of participating in the “GE Peer Support ‘Buddy’ Programme”


Zoom Recording


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