GE Teaching Award

Award Recipients
Dr Meilin Chen
AY2024/25 Individual

Lecturer I

Language Centre 

Hong Kong Baptist University


Office: OEE 1013

Office number: (852) 3411-7266




  • PhD

  • FHEA


Research Interests

  1. Corpus linguistics
  2. Data-driven learning
  3. Corpus-assisted discourse studies
  4. English for Academic purposes
  5. Learner corpus research
Brief Biography

Dr. Meilin Chen is a Lecturer at the Language Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University. She has a PhD in English Linguistics and teaches discipline-specific English academic writing to students from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels as well as other courses related to language, gender, and other issues. She is interested in corpus linguistics, learner corpus research, English for academic purposes, critical discourse analysis, data-driven learning, and corpus-assisted discourse analysis. Her publications have appeared in academic journals such as Discourse and Society, English for Specific Purposes, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, and System.

Recognition from the Selection Panel

Dr. Meilin Chen currently teaches a GE Level 2 Interdisciplinary Thematic Course, GTCU2025 Gender, Language, and Creativity, which enables students to critically analyse the correlation between gender and linguistic creativity in real-life communication in different contexts.


The Panel appreciated Dr. Chen for her effective application of the learner-centred approach, which fostered dynamic classroom interactions and encouraged frequent reflections to stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity. Her dedication to cultivating an inclusive and supportive learning environment that catered to the diverse needs of students was also commendable. The Panel appreciated Dr. Chen’s utilisation of varied real-life language examples and pertinent research materials, which not only triggered students’ interest in their learning journey, but also enabled them to gain multiple perspectives, and integrate their knowledge and skills to address real-world challenges.


Furthermore, the Panel recognised Dr. Chen for her commitment to continuous improvement. Through active participation in GE-related activities, she expanded her network and gained valuable insights from peers by engaging in class observations, sharing experiences, co-developing teaching activities and materials, and acquiring interdisciplinary perspectives through collaboration. The Panel was also pleased to observe the positive and sustainable impact of the course on students, which was clearly evident across various channels.


In recognition of her unwavering dedication and innovative pedagogies in GE teaching, the Panel recommended Dr. Chen to receive the GE Teaching Award (Individual) to honour her excellent performance.