Launching Ceremony of Collection of Articles by HKBU Students

The “Launching Ceremony of Collection of Articles by HKBU Students”, inspired by the Level 3 GE Capstone course “GCAP 3135 Sports and Disability in the Hong Kong Chinese Media”, was successfully held on 18 March 2021.

In the event, a collection of articles written by students of the course after interviewing 16 para-athletes was presented to showcase how this GE course allowed students to apply what they learnt in the classroom to address societal issues, such as the challenges faced by para-athletes and the role of sports reporting in bringing changes to the community. The course strives to prepare our students to be ready in embracing diversity and demonstrating respect and care to people with disabilities.

Representatives from the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled and athletes were also invited to share their experiences and give encouraging words to the participants:

  • Badminton Athlete - Ms. Choi Wing Kei: "Don't be afraid, try boldly." (「唔好驚,要放膽去試。」)
  • Tenpin Bowling Athlete - Mr. Chow Pui Kin: "Don't give up! Because if we give up, we will have nothing at all." (「唔好放棄,因為一放棄就咩都冇。」)

Students of the course also created a Facebook page about Hong Kong talented para-athletes

You’re welcome to take the booklet of the collection of articles written by students at our GE Office #AAB8Floor

Know more about yesterday ceremony:

Our Instragram Post

Apple Daily

Oriental Daily

Sportsroad 體路