GE Updates
GEO cordially invites you to the 1st session of the “GE Sharing Series” in this semester!

We are delighted to announce the results of the General Education Teaching Award AY2021/22.
Congratulations to all awardees!

GEO proudly presents the Third “GE Poster Exhibition”, featuring Level 3 GE Capstone Courses to be offered in Semester 2. Come and visit us from 10 to 21 January 2022 !!

TALES 9 – CHTL x GEO workshop series – Enhancing Students' Sustainability Competences through General Education with Authentic Assessments

GEO cordially invites you to the 3rd session of the “GE Sharing Series” in this academic year!

We are pleased to rejoin the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) as an institutional member!

The Basketball team of Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth visited HKBU for a Wheelchair Basketball demo.

A Poster Exhibition of GE Capstone Courses was successfully held from 8th to 19th November, 2021.