GE Teaching Award

Award Recipients
Prof Kara Chan
AY2020/21 Individual

Professor, Department of Communication Studies
Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching), School of Communication and Film
Hong Kong Baptist University


Office: CVA Room 914
Office number: (852) 3411-7836



Rockbridge Seminary, PhD CityU


Research Interests

  1. Advertising and Children
  2. Advertising Effect
  3. Cross-cultural Consumer Studies
  4. Social Inclusion
  5. Health Communication
Brief Biography

Prof Kara Chan (PhD in psychology; City University of Hong Kong) worked in the advertising profession and as a statistician for the Hong Kong Government before she joined the academia. Her research areas include advertising and children/youth, as well as cross cultural consumer studies. She has published eight books as well as over 170 journal articles and book chapters. She was a Fulbright Scholar at Bradley University. Her journal articles won five Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. She received Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2006 and 2014 and a Knowledge Transfer Award in 2016. She was the recipient of President’s Award of Outstanding Performance in Research Supervision in 2018 and the Finalist for the 2020 University Grants Committee Teaching Award.

Recognition from the Selection Panel

Prof Chan has been engaged in the GE Programme since 2013 by teaching the interdisciplinary course GDBU/GDSS1867 Children as consumers: Marketing to the Youth (Distribution Requirements in Business and Social Sciences). The Panel acknowledged Prof Chan’s continued contribution to GE and especially appreciated her outstanding achievements and leadership in teaching and her contribution to the development of curriculum design. Prof Chan has adopted a unique teaching strategy with blended learning design and knowledge co-creation in order to engage students in learning with enthusiasm and build up their confidence.


In her submission and presentation to the Panel, Prof Chan demonstrated how she supported students’ personal development in GDBU/GDSS1867 Children as consumers: Marketing to the Youth, a course that aims to introduce the different perspectives and interest among various stakeholders regarding marketing communication to children and youth. The Panel commended that Prof Chan incorporated various interactive pedagogies such as blended learning activities, real-life and course-based research projects, which highly engaged students in active learning. The Panel was pleased to see the positive feedback from students as well as the impact on them as evidenced by Prof Chan.


The Panel recommended Prof Chan to receive the GE Teaching Award (Individual) to honor her excellent performance, and hoped she would continue to make sustained impact in GE through her excellent teaching and dedicated leadership.