教授(重演) THE PROFESSOR (rerun) GE Off Campus

An acclaimed premiere set alight new debates on education
The ever-present tension between ideals and reality in education continues to take hold…
Lucretia chooses the Faculty of Philosophy as a stepping stone for switching to a “better” department, she is completely occupied by the thought of a good GPA, until she meets “Professor” who vows to develop students’ critical thinking ability and Jeremy, a Year 2 student known as the “Prince of Social Activism”. When Jeremy is getting trouble in a campaign, he needs to take a stance between reality and ideals, a string of heated debates follow.
Candace Chong, winner of five Drama Awards, sets her work in a campus environment . The Professor examines the discrepancy between the claimed moral high ground by university education and the conflicting layers of reality, last year’s premiere was met by enthusiastic acclaim. It generated widespread media coverage, and sparked off new debates across the society and poignant reflection upon the education system.
Winners of 4 Hong Kong Drama Awards
10 Most Favourite Productions of 2013
Best Play
Best Leading Actor (Tragedy / Drama) – Poon Chan Leung
Best Supporting Actress (Tragedy / Drama) – Tan Hui Lei Karrie
活動及報名詳情: | |
Sponsored Session 贊助場次 | 11 Sept 2014 (Thur) 8:15pm 及 13 Sept 2014 (Sat) 8:15pm |
Language 語言 | Presented in Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles 粵語演出 附中英文字幕 |
Venue 地點 | Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館 |
Eligibility 報名資格 | Full-time UGC-funded undergraduates of HKBU are eligible to join 獲大學教育資助委員會資助的全日制學士學位學生均可參加
* For students who have not joined the GE Off Campus activity: The Professor (Sept 2013) only |
Quota 名額 | 45 先到先得 First come, first served |
Price 費用 | Full Sponsorship 全數贊助
* Successful applicants have to pay $100 as deposit, which will be refunded to students who submit reflective journals by 21 Sept 2014. Arrangement details will be sent via email. 成功報名者須繳付現金$100作為按金 |
Application Method 報名方法 | 3 Steps for registration:
Application Period 報名日期 | 4 – 8 Sept 2014 (Office hours) |
Important Notes 注意事項 | Please refer to Introduction of GE Off Campus. 請參閱GE Off Campus簡介。 |
Official Webpage 官方網頁 | http://www.hkrep.com/events/chi-2014-m5/ |