Recycled Wallet X Well-being Workshop 「紙包銀包」:紙包飲品盒再生銀包x整全健康工作坊



Do you like packaged drinks?
In Hong Kong, thousands of boxes of packaged drinks are thrown away without proper recycling process every day.
How can we reuse all those boxes?


Besides, do you know how to improve your physical and mental health?


Event & Registration Details

Date Session 1: 20 Sep 2016 (Tue)
Session 2: 27 Sep 2016 (Tue) (Re-run)
Time 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Venue AAB402M, Learning Commons, Baptist University Road Campus

You will be:


  • Learning the skills of enhancing both physical and spiritual health;
  • sharing with others about what you have learnt through experiential activities and reflection;
  • Using the boxes of packaged drinks to make wallets.


Remarks: Boxes of packaged drinks will be provided in the workshop. You can also bring your own choices of one 375mL and one 250mL packaged drink boxes to the workshop (boxes of packaged drinks have to be cleaned).


This activity will be conducted  in Cantonese  and is a  CCL-recognized event .

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Fee Full Sponsorship (Deposit: HKD$50)
Eligibility Full-time UGC-funded undergraduates of HKBU
Registration Method Bring along your student ID card and pay $50 deposit in cash at the GE Office (AAB805). The deposit will be refunded to students who attend the activity on time. Limited quotas. First come, first served!
Registration Period From 5 Sep to 14 Sep 2016
(Mon to Fri: 9:30am to 12:30pm, 2:30pm to 5:30pm)
Important Notes
  • If the activity is cancelled or rescheduled, GEO will contact the students instantly about the arrangement made by the host organization. Deposit will be returned. Students may also refer to the GE Facebook Page for updated information/announcement.
  • To let more students know more about the importance of Well-Being, students can enroll for only one activity of this series. Their registration of other activities will be on the waiting list. The enrollment result will be announced through emails on 15 Sep (Thu).
Enquiry Shirley 3411 2864 /


This event is under HKBU Service Leadership Education Project and sponsored by Labour and Welfare Bureau.


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