GCAP3056 Taking a Stand: Poster Presentation Event 2022

GCAP3056 Taking a Stand: Engaging in Public Discourse through Advanced Research and Writing
Language Centre & Department of English Language and Literature
In this course, students identify a social problem facing our local/global society and conduct research to develop insightful and persuasive arguments on this issue. They will share their findings with stakeholders (e.g. the HK government and the public) through various channels such as writing letters to the editor and opinion pieces in the media, submitting reports to the government, and engaging members of the community through online and offline activities
On 22 April, an online Poster presentation will be held, where students will use posters to discuss their projects.
Event: Taking a stand: Poster presentation
Day: April 22nd (Friday)
Time: 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Location: Online