Students-as-Partners Scheme

The “Students-as-Partners” (SaP) Scheme is funded by the UGC’s Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), as part of the General Education Office (GEO)’s efforts to deliver the University’s aspiration of achieving best student experience.


The involvement of students as collaborators in the design and delivery of teaching through the SaP endeavour has become more important during COVID-19. Therefore, the SaP Scheme for GE courses in 2022-25 seeks to attain the following objectives:


  1. engaging students in the development of dual-mode teaching materials and strategies;
  2. empowering students to support and co-deliver technology-enhanced classes and activities; and
  3. encouraging student-driven initiatives and peer-support among students.


GEO will provide a one-off grant for faculty to implement “Students-as-Partners” (SaP) projects for all 3 levels of GE courses.


Innovative ideas are welcome as to how SaP could be implemented. The guiding principles of the SaP Scheme are:

  • only HKBU existing undergraduate students in UGC-funded programmes are eligible to be student partners;
  • the student partners should contribute to the VTL/DTL of a GE course as partners rather than student helpers (nevertheless, for financial arrangement, they can be remunerated as student helpers);
  • the impact of the scheme should be sustainable, matching one or more of the objectives listed above.


Use of Funding


The funding can only be used to support expenses related to the SaP Scheme to enhance the Virtual/Digital Teaching and Learning (VTL/DTL) of GE courses , including but not limited to:

  • compensation for the student partners;
  • procurement of teaching and learning resources related to the Scheme;
  • establishment of an online platform/resource hub/app for the Scheme;
  • expenditure for measuring and capturing the impact of the Scheme, etc.


The policies and guidelines set out by Finance Office and the Human Resources Office must be followed in the use of funding.


Reporting and Future Development


GEO will work with course instructors to assess and capture the impact of the SaP Scheme as a TDLEG initiative in order to explore continued/ further development. Course instructors will be invited to:


    1. suggest a date for GEO to visit class and attend course activities to take photos and collect evidence;
    2. submit a brief report and provide some additional evidence such as findings and photos, instructorˇs feedback, feedback from the student partners and other students, deliverables of VTL/DTL, etc;
    3. share with other colleagues their experience in the Scheme;
    4. collaborate with GEO to present/publish papers on the Scheme if they are interested.


A certificate will be presented by GEO to each student partner as a recognition.


Guidelines and Form


Guidelines for Students-as-Partners Scheme

Application Form for Students-as-Partners Scheme

Template of Report Form for Students-as-Partners Scheme


Appointment of Student Partners:

Guidelines on the Recruitment of Part-time Hourly-rated Helpers


Timesheet and Payment:


Timesheet (Guideline)

MPF Enrollment Form




For enquiries about the scheme, please contact Ms Hazel Chow at 3411 2014 or Ms Alice Wong at 3411 2013 or email to