GE Teaching Award

Award Recipients
Dr Sun Pak Kiu
AY2024/25 Honourable Mention

Category - Individual


Lecturer I

Department of Mathematics 

Hong Kong Baptist University


Office: FSC 1105
Office number: (852) 3411-2526



  • Ph.D. in Mathematics (Hong Kong Baptist University, HK)

  • BEng(CIV) (The University of Hong Kong, HK)


Research Interests

  1. Graph Theory
  2. Combinatorics
Brief Biography

Dr. Sun Pak Kiu holds a PhD in Mathematics from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and is currently a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at HKBU. Before joining HKBU, Dr. Sun taught both undergraduate and graduate courses at City University of Hong Kong. Since 2012, he has been involved in the General Education (GE) Programme at HKBU, where he has developed and taught a variety of innovative courses across all three levels. These courses include “MathRomance”, “Soccer Beyond the Pitch: Intersecting Data, History, Culture and Society”, “How to Survive in the World of Misinformation”, and “Making a Smart Decision”. Dr. Sun is also the author of the textbook “Mathematics Around Us”, which was created for a previous GE course. In addition to his contributions to the GE programme, Dr. Sun teaches five major elective courses and two core courses within the Department of Mathematics.

Recognition from the Selection Panel

Dr. Sun currently teaches 4 GE courses across all levels, including GFQR1045 Making a Smart Decision, GFQR1057 How to Survive in the World of Misinformation, GTSC2076 Soccer beyond the Pitch: Intersecting Data, History, Culture and Society and GCAP3005 MathRomance. The Panel was impressed by Dr. Sun’s approach, which enabled students to effectively apply mathematical perspectives to solve real-world problems while making strong connections to their learning objectives. They recognised that this approach not only enhanced students’ logical reasoning skills but also fostered transferable skills in critical thinking, data analysis, and interdisciplinary problem-solving.


In one of his GE courses, Dr. Sun demonstrated the effective integration of teaching and service by engaging students in community service through organising mathematics workshops for secondary school students. The Panel praised that this hands-on experience not only enhanced the motivation of the younger generation in mathematics, but also helped students develop a sense of civic responsibility and social awareness, resulting in a sustainable impact.


The Panel recommended Dr. Sun to receive the Honourable Mention to recognise his meaningful effort and devotion to the delivery of GE courses.