GE Teaching Award

Brief Biography
Brief Biography
Recognition from the Selection Panel
Award Recipients
Dr Kim Yoon Hoo
AY2020/21 Early Career

Assistant Professor, Department of Accountancy and Law
School of Business
Hong Kong Baptist University


Office: WLB 610
Office number: (852) 3411-5560



Ph.D. in Accounting (Indiana University, U.S.A.)
M.B.A. in Strategic Analysis Accounting Information (Indiana University, U.S.A.)
B.S. in Business Administration (Yonsei University, South Korea)


Research Interests

  1. Voluntary Disclosure
  2. Textual Analysis
  3. Top Management Team
Brief Biography
Brief Biography
Recognition from the Selection Panel
Brief Biography

Dr Kim Yoon Hoo is an assistant professor at the Department of Accountancy and Law of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). His research focuses on how corporate voluntary disclosures such as earnings conference calls affect various capital market participants. He is also interested in research related to the top management team and chief executives.


At HKBU, Yoon Hoo teaches ‘GFQR 1047 – Unveil the Numbers Before You Invest’, which aims to provide students with foundation knowledge as investors. As part of this course curriculum, he introduced a virtual stock exchange game, which has received positive responses from his students.


Professor Kim holds a Ph.D. in accounting and an M.B.A. from Indiana University, as well as a B.S. in Business Administration from Yonsei University. Before pursuing his academic career, he worked at British American Tobacco and Eli Lilly.

Recognition from the Selection Panel

Dr Kim is teaching the Level 1 Foundational Course, GFQR1047 Unveil the Numbers Before You Invest. The Panel was impressed with Dr Kim’s teaching philosophy, emphasizing on understanding the particular profile of the class through a “pre-survey” and tailoring his teaching accordingly. The additional effort to ensure that students were actively engaged in his zoom classes showed that Dr Kim did not take things for granted. The Panel complimented Dr Kim as being a passionate and reflective teacher. He conducted a mid-term survey to obtain students’ feedback on their learning progress, in order to make further enhancement on the course delivery. Dr Kim joined the Students-as-Partners scheme organized by GE office. He trained his student partners to develop teaching materials for their peers, and asked them to help monitor his teaching progress by providing detailed feedback from time to time.


In his submission and presentation to the Panel, Dr Kim demonstrated how he taught students with innovative and interactive activities in GFQR1047 Unveil the Numbers Before You Invest, especially during the suspension of face-to-face classes. The Panel appreciated how Dr Kim made use of various online platforms and social media such as Youtube, Instagram, Apps and Blogs that suited the new generation to maximize students’ engagement and learning. The Panel was pleased to note the positive feedback from Dr Kim’s students.


With his manifold teaching skills and profound commitment to the promotion of student reflective learning, the Panel recommended Dr Kim to receive the GE Teaching Award (Early Career) to honor his teaching excellence at this early stage.