Volunteer training X Recycled Flower Basket Workshop 「轆轆花籃」x義工體驗工作坊



Lots of used tyres are dumped in landfills under the immature recycling system of tyres in Hong Kong.
How can we deal with the problem and reuse the tyres?

Have you ever met ex-mentally ill people?
Do you know whether your mental health is good?



Event & Registration Details

Date 24 Sep 2016 (Sat)
Time 1pm – 5:30pm
Venue On Lok Factory Building, 92-95 Ha Heung Road, To Kwa Wan (Meet up point: To Kwa Wan Sports Centre Google Map)
  • Through volunteer training, you will learn:
    • The basic concepts of being a volunteer;
    • How to make good use of your strengths and skills in the voluntary activities;
    • The basic concepts and importance of spiritual health;
    • The skills of communicating with ex-mentally ill people.
  • Making recycled flower basket with ex-mentally ill people, and distribute the final products to the local stores in To Kwa Wan;
  • Promoting the idea of inclusion and reducing bias towards the ex-mentally ill people by getting in touch with them;
  • Learning skills to enhance both mental and physical health through experiential activities, sharing, and reflections.


This activity will be conducted  in Cantonese . Besides this is a  CCL-recognized event , it can also be counted to accumulate  BUGS service hours  to redeem free Disneyland tickets!


Participants will receive a  Certificate of Attendance which is issued by the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association  upon completion of the workshop.


Public Photos / Files - ccl_logoSelf Photos / Files - BUGS
Fee Full Sponsorship (Deposit: HKD$50)
Eligibility Full-time UGC-funded undergraduates of HKBU
Registration Method Bring along your student ID card and pay $50 deposit in cash at the GE Office (AAB805). The deposit will be refunded to students who attend the activity on time. Limited quotas. First come, first served!
Registration Period From 5 Sep to 14 Sep 2016
(Mon to Fri: 9:30am to 12:30pm, 2:30pm to 5:30pm)
Important Notes
  • If the activity is cancelled or rescheduled, GEO will contact the students instantly about the arrangement made by the host organization. Deposit will be returned. Students may also refer to the GE Facebook Page for updated information/announcement.
  • To let more students know more about the importance of Well-Being, students can enroll for only one activity of this series. Their registration of other activities will be on the waiting list. The enrollment result will be announced through emails on 15 Sep (Thu).
Enquiry Shirley 3411 2864 / ge@hkbu.edu.hk


Local news report
3 Aug 2016, title “綠色先鋒:棄置車胎成花盆 打造土瓜灣特色” in Chinese on on.cc
Featured in TV programme
The 12th episode, which titled “土人土事土瓜灣”, of the TV programme “Touring the Hood” on TVB channel mentioned the recycled tyre flower basket (at about 14’50”).
This event is under HKBU Service Leadership Education Project and sponsored by Labour and Welfare Bureau.