Team-Teaching an Interdisciplinary Course: Strategies for Working Effectively with a Colleague (Prof. Susan Fiksdal, Fulbright Scholar at HKBU)

GE-Dialogue – Team-Teaching an Interdisciplinary Course: Strategies for Working Effectively with a Colleague
Date: 17 May 2012 (Thursday)
Time: 12:45 pm – 2:15 pm (light lunch from 12:30-12:45pm)
Venue: RRS905, Sir Run Run Shaw Building, Ho Sin Hang Campus, HKBU
Some people may think that teaching an interdisciplinary course with a colleague will be difficult because they cannot include all of the disciplinary concepts they usually do in a course, and also because of the need for close collaboration. In this workshop, we will discuss how to find teaching partners, how to work harmoniously on developing a course, and how to structure the course. We will discuss some common areas that can cause disagreement and some ways of coming to agreement. Learning more about your own preferences for organizing a course and which areas can be open for compromise will be a central goal.
Speakers Biography
Professor Susan Fiksdal
Visiting Fulbright Scholar
Hong Kong Baptist University
Former Head
The Culture, Text and Language section
Evergreen State College
Professor Susan Fiksdal, Fulbright Scholar at HKBU for the 2011-12 academic year, joined HKBU from the Evergreen State College, an innovative liberal arts institution in Washington state. As a linguist from Middlebury College with PhD from University of Michigan, she has been the head of the Culture, Text and Language section of the curriculum at Evergreen. Author of 10 publications and numerous papers on text, language and life-long learning topics, Professor Fiksdal is now working with the GE Office, CHTL as well as coordinating with a team of scholars through the Hong Kong America Center providing support on the General Education programs for Hong Kong’s tertiary institutions as part of the 3-3-4 Educational Reform Initiatives. In the coming academic year, Professor Fiksdal will provide support on the General Education Programme as well as the faculty development by hosting various workshops and seminars.