Small Talks Circles

Do you want to know what kinds of talents the market wants?
Do you want to get any tips for finding jobs?



Small Talks Circles Evening 2014-2015


Small Talks Circles is a not-for-profit, social education monthly forum aiming at broadening university students’ horizons outside academia while helping them to prepare for a rewarding and fulfilling work life.


Louisa Wong
Executive Chairman


The 1.5-hr program is fun and invigorating! The guest speaker on 12th Feb will be  Ms. Louisa Wong, who billed one of “The 50 Most Influential Search Consultants in the World” by BusinessWeek. She is also the Owner/Executive Chairman of 2 renowned executive search firms – BÓ LÈ ASSOCIATES & GLOBAL SAGE.  Bó Lè is Asia’s largest and most successful search firm with 15 regional offices and 380 professionals!  An evening with Louisa is definitely not to be missed! Students attending the event will be inspired by this global search giant while getting tips from her for building their individual career path!


The highlight of the evening is the cocktail reception where you will be smooching and rubbing shoulders with STC "Anchors"! Anchors are young professionals from different industries and sectors- company executives, entrepreneurs, researchers, recruiters, engineers, accountants, bankers, lawyers, architects, interior designers, educators, philanthropists, artists, musicians, photographers and indeed, folks from all walks of life! You will enjoy meeting and talking to them, likewise, they will be excited to meet you!

Louisa Wong
Executive Chairman


Louisa is the founder and Executive Chairman of Bó Lè Associates. With 15 offices and 380+ staff, Bó Lè Associates is the largest executive search firm in Asia. Louisa has 29+ years of experience in executive search, and was recognized with the prestigious Hall of Fame Award from Recruitment International in 2014, and cited by BusinessWeek as one of the "50 Most Influential Search Consultants in the World" by a Euromoney publication.


Louisa started her career with J.P. Morgan, and prior to founding Bó Lè, she was Managing Director of Russell Reynolds in Hong Kong. She holds an M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School and a B.S. degree from the University of Toronto.


伯樂在全球擁有15家全資辦事處,超過380位職員,是亞洲最大、中國及印尼排名第1的高階人才搜尋公司,在馬來西亞及菲律賓也居前3名。Louisa累積了超過29年人才搜尋的經驗,是行內其中一位最被推崇的專業人才顧問,的能力得到各方面的肯定,在2014年榮獲Recruitment International Asia的Hall of Fame榮譽,也曾獲著名財經雜誌《商業週刊》評選為「全球最具影響的50位高級人才顧問」及榮獲國際權威財經雜誌《Euromoney》頒發的「中國及香港人力資源卓越貢獻大獎」。


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Date: 12 Feb 2015 (Thur)

Time: 6 – 8pm Participants are expected to arrive at the venue between 6:00 and 6:15pm for registration.

Venue: Shanghai Fraternity Association, 3/F, South China Building, 1 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong

Language: English

Dress code: Business casual


All students are welcome! Seats are limited. First come first served.


Register NOW!

Registration deadline: 10 Feb 2015 (Tue)
Mr. Williem Hui / Ms. Christabel Lam
Phone: 9888 9638 / 9572 4117

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