GE Retreat 2014: Teachable and Collaborative Moments in GE

GEO & Local Events


To inspire students with the philosophy of Whole Person Education, we observe that student engagement in learning GE courses is important. Such learning depends on “having an interest in”, “having a new experience on”, “building practical skills” and “exploring into unknown matters”. Moreover, as we are preparing students with the 21st-century skills and knowledge, we aim to broaden their perspectives with a mindset for interdisciplinary collaboration and to develop in them a character with care to become future leaders. We will explore together how we create such a learning culture.


In this retreat, GE colleagues will share their experiences and practices in engaging their students in their learning in GE courses with various methods and approaches. In the second session, colleagues will be invited to share their experiences in the process of designing Interdisciplinary and Service Leadership Education GE courses. Do not miss the opportunity for this enjoyable learning moment together.


Date: 30 Apr 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm

Venue: WLB109

Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus


All GE course teachers are welcome!


Rundown of the Retreat

9:30am Breakfast
10:00am Good teaching practice sharing
10:30am Discussion
11:15am Tea break
11:30am Experience sharing on Interdisciplinary (IGE) and Service Leadership Education (SLE) courses
12:30pm Lunch


For enquiries, please contact Miss Ada Chan at or 3411 2106.