電影《N+N》 GE Off Campus

GE Off Campus 活動︰
電影《N+N》 Movie
Lai Yan-Chi’s short film “1+1” triumphed at 2 prominent short film awards in Hong Kong, namely Fresh Wave and IFVA. She multiplies the sentiment in “1+1”, by N times maybe, to come up with her debut feature-length fictional film “N+N.”
The wise grandpa and witty granddaughter from “1+1” continue to bless the city with bamboo shoots, while their own home in a rural village is torn down to give way for the high speed railway. They meet other people also jeopardized by the so-called development: artist left homeless because of factory revitalization, the middle-class striving for a living, the young generation born in the 1990s… They are all trying to hold on to the city’s collective memory and every living tree.
Sharing sessions with guests will be held after every screening session. Movie souvenir will be distributed.
For the movie trailer & guest lists, please visit:
Sponsored Session 贊助場次 | Any session between 1st Jan 2015 and 11th Feb 2015 2015年1月1日至2月11日內任何場次 |
Venue 地點 | Broadway Cinema Kwai Fong (Metroplaza) 葵芳百老匯(新都會廣場) |
Eligibility 報名資格 | Full-time UGC-funded undergraduates of HKBU are eligible to join. 獲大學教育資助委員會資助的全日制學士學位學生均可參加 |
Quota 名額 | 100 First come first served 先到先得 |
Price 費用 | Full Sponsorship 全數贊助 |
How to get the sponsorship? 如何領取資助? |
Content of Reflective Journal 個人感想內容 |
Students can write the Reflective Journal in English or Chinese.
Q1. Please describe and explain the section(s)/element(s) that you find the most memorable. (Writing in English: at least 100 words)
Submit Reflective Journal (Available from 14 Feb)
Q1. 請敍述令你最印象深刻的表演部分/元素。(以中文撰寫︰不少於200字)
Important Notes 注意事項 | Please refer to Introduction of GE Off Campus. 請參閱GE Off Campus簡介。 |