Engaged Scholarship: Models of Integrating Research, Teaching and Community Engagement

GEO & Local Events


GE-Dialogue – Engaged Scholarship: Models of integrating research, teaching and community engagement

Prof. Janel Curry, Fulbright Scholar at CityU

Prof. Martha Carothers, Fulbright Scholar at CityU

Prof. Richard Mack, Fulbright Scholar at PolyU


Date: 19 Mar 2012 (Monday)
Time: 12:30 pm – 2:15 pm (light lunch from 12:30-12:45pm)

Venue: ACC209, Jockey Club Academic Community Centre, Baptisty University Road Campus



This workshop presents various models for integrating research, teaching, and community service into a whole and engages participants in developing projects in this area. Participants will be introduced to these models, identify aspects of successful models that are applicable to their own context and disciplines, and outline one potential approach to integrating research, teaching and community engagement that could be implemented in one of their courses.

Speaker Biography

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Prof. Janel Curry

Visiting Fulbright Scholar
City University of Hong Kong


Dean for Research and Scholarship
Professor of Geography
Calvin College in Michigan

Prof. Janel Curry has a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Minnesota. She has served as Dean for Research and Scholarship for nine years at Calvin College and is presently Professor of Geography at Calvin College and holds the Byker Chair in Perspectives on Political, Social, and Economic Thought. She served as a GE Fulbright scholar in Hong Kong in 2010 at CityU and is back for another term as part of the Fulbright GE team.


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Prof. Martha Carothers
Visiting Fulbright Scholar
City University of Hong Kong 


Visual Designer
Former Associate Director
Undergraduate Studies
University of Delaware


Professor Martha Carothers, Fulbright Scholar at City University for the 2011-2012 academic year, is Professor of Art at the University of Delaware. Her MFA is from Penn State University in graphic design. Professor Carothers was Faculty Director of the General Education Initiative and Center for Teaching Effectiveness at Delaware. Prior to that she was Associate Dean for Arts and Humanities and Chair of the Department of Art. Along with Professor Susan Fiksdal and the Fulbright Team located at Hong Kong universities, Professor Carothers will be mentoring faculty and conducting workshops in conjunction with the Hong Kong America Center and the General Education and University Curriculum Reform in Hong Kong.

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Prof. Richard S. Mack
Fulbright Scholar
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Emeritus Professor in Economics
Central Washington University

Professor Richard Mack, Fulbright Scholar at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for the 2011-12 academic year, was Dean of Graduate Studies and Research and taught at CWU’s Department of economics for 36 years, including over 100 courses in GE. He has also taught in CWU’s Environmental Studies, Resource Management, and Douglas Honors College programs, as well as visiting gigs at Janus Panonius University in Hungary, Dublin City University, Ireland, and in several London programs. Prof. Mack has undergone a number of rebirths in the economics field. Trained at Dartmouth College and Colorado State University as in International Economics and Regional Economics, many of his publications are in journals specializing in Regional Development, Energy Economics, Resource Use, Public Utilities, History of Thought, as well as the economies of Ireland, the EU, and China.