AY2022/23 “CONNECT US - U̲niversity Students and the S̲ociety” GE Student Assignment Competition


Submit your GE Courses assignments and win a $300 voucher!



  • To recognise students’ contribution to innovative solutions to address societal and global problems in General Education (GE) courses
  • To promote the value and importance of social engagement activities of GE courses
  • To celebrate students’ demonstration of creativity, commitment, and professionalism in applying their interdisciplinary knowledge in social engagement projects



  • HKBU students belonging to UGC-funded undergraduate programmes who have taken any GE courses offered in AY2022/23 AND obtained an overall course grade of "B-" or above


How to join:

  • Applications can be submitted through one of the following means:
    1. Self-nomination by students
    2. Nomination by GE course instructors with the consent of all students involved in the entry concerned 


    1. A suitable “Assignment”, in the form of an attachment or a downloadable link (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)
    2. Academic Transcript (Official/Screenshot) (.pdf/ .jpg)
    3. A signed Nomination Form by GE course instructor if applicable (.pdf/ .jpg)


Entry requirements:

  • All entries must be graded items in any GE courses obtaining an overall course grade of “B-” or above in AY2022/23
  • An individual/group assignment in a written or non-written format
Written category: Non-written category:
  1. Examples of genres: Essay/report/blog, Reflection paper/journals, Literature Review, PowerPoint for presentation
  2. Format: .doc/ .docx/ .pptx/ .pdf
  1. Examples of genres: Video, Motion Graphics, models, Poster
  2. Format: .mp4 /.mov / .pdf / .jpg / .png


Rules and Regulations:

  • Each participant can submit/be nominated for ONE entry in ONE category only; the entry has to be a graded assignment item of a GE course obtaining an overall course grade of “B-” or above. 
  • Amendments to the graded assignment item could be made before submitting it as an entry to the competition.
  • Participants must obtain appropriate copyright, consent, or permission from relevant parties in advance, if applicable.
  • Entries must be original and unpublished work.
  • Entries must be appropriate for the University. Any entries that are unlawful, harmful, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, indecent, or profane or that may constitute or encourage violation of any laws and regulations will be disqualified.
  • By submitting the entry, every participant fully understands, as one of the conditions for receiving the award, that each awardee is committed to taking part in a related-GE sharing event and/or video documentary, should it/they be organised.
  • If awarded, each participant can receive ONE award only.
  • The organiser, i.e. the GE Office (GEO), reserves the right to amend the regulations and other arrangements without prior notice, and the organiser’s decision on all matters relating to the Competition will be final.
  • In the event of disputes, GEO reserves the right to disqualify any entry and/or retract any award from the entrant. 



Satisfactory entries Outstanding entries*
  • Each individual will receive a HK$50 voucher. Each group member will receive a HK$50 voucher, capped at $200 per group
  • Each individual will receive a HK$300 voucher. Each group member will receive a HK$300 voucher, capped at $1,200 per group

* The evaluation panel will select up to 5 outstanding entries among all submissions. The exact number of outstanding awards will depend on the quality and the number of submitted entries.


Evaluation Criteria:

Criteria Details


(50 points)

  • The entry demonstrates how the student/s:
    1. developed innovative solutions to address societal and global problems;
    2. synthesized knowledge from various disciplines in the social engagement projects;
    3. valued the importance of working for the common good;
    4. showed what had been learnt in the classroom and/or experiential environments could be applied to addressing an important issue faced by local, regional, and global communities.
  • The entry records and explains clearly how the student/s brought/might bring a positive impact to the community.
  • The entry highlights the value and importance of the social engagement activities in GE courses.

Creativity and Originality

(30 points)

  • The entry demonstrates the use of creativity in developing solutions to solve a societal or global problem.
  • The presentation of the solutions is inventive and original. 
  • The entry shows the commitment and professional attitude of the student/s involved.
  • The entry is presented in the student’s/students’ own perspectives based on his/her/their personal experience, self-reflection, and thoughtful observations.

Organization and Command

(20 points)

  • The entry is well-organized and reader-friendly.
  • The ideas are presented in a logical manner.
  • The entry reflects a good command of the following aspects: 
For the “Written category”: For the “Non-written category”: 
  1. Use of language and register
  2. Clarity
  1. Graphic Design: the balance of text, figures, space, color, etc.
  2. Video/Motion Graphics: continuity, timing, camera operation, sound quality, editing, etc.


Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: 28 June 2023 at 11:59 PM
  • Result announcement: September 2023


More on Copyright of Entries:

  • All entries submitted should be written or produced legally, and authorization(s) has/have been granted from the copyright owner(s); the source(s) has/have been acknowledged properly; the person/people who submit the entries should bear the legal responsibilities of the copyright of their entries.
  • All entries submitted, regardless of being awarded or not, will become the property of GEO and can be used for future promotional or educational purposes. GEO is authorized to use all or any parts of the entries including but not limited to website releases, publications, exhibitions of the entries, and production of teaching kits. In all cases, no specific notification or payment will be given to the participants.


Key SDGs related to this activity: