Award Ceremony for Excellent Performance in GE

Luncheon for Award Presentation
Implementation and enhancement of the GE Programme relies on the contributions of HKBU colleagues and students. The GE Teaching Award and the Outstanding Students Awards were therefore set up, to recognize and appreciate the excellent performance and devotion of faculty members and students. You are cordially invited to the award presentation luncheon to celebrate the joy with us!
All staff and students are welcome!
Please register by 16th Feb 2016 (Tue) for lunch arrangement.
Date: 18th February 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm (Light lunch included)
Venue: WLB109, Dr. Wu Yee Sun Lecture Theatre, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus, HKBU
GE Teaching Award
Established under the President’s Award of Outstanding Performance in Teaching, the GE Teaching Award aims to recognize individual academic colleagues’ outstanding performance and devotion in the teaching of GE courses.
Awardee of GE Teaching Award AY2014-15
Ms. Choe Jae Hee, Jenny
Lecturer, Language Centre, HKBU
For more details, please visit the Award section.
Honorable Mention
Dr. Kimmy Cheng (COMS)
Dr. To Kai Ming Simon (MATH)
Sponsored by HKBU Century Club, the GE Outstanding Students Award is designed to award the students who have excellent academic results in GE courses, active participation in GE activities and enthusiastic community service.
- Hung Chi Wai, Humanities, Year 4
- Kao Shan Shan, International Journalism, Year 4
- Lam Yuen Ting, Social Work, Year 3
- Wong Chi Ming, Physical Education & Recreation Management, Year 3
- Wong Ka Wang, Chemistry, Year 4
Highlights of the Award Ceremony for Excellent Performance in GE

On 18 Feb 2016, an award ceremony was held by GE Office to present the GE Teaching Award and the Outstanding Students Awards, to recognize the awardees’ outstanding performance in General Education teaching and learning. We would like to express our gratitude to the guests, colleagues and students who shared the joy with us in that enjoyable occasion. Please read the “eNews” report and view the photos.