Academic Corporate Citizenship Seminar 學界企業公民責任講座


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As a citizen, we have civic responsibility. Similarly, corporates have corporate civic responsibility to contribute to a healthy society. How do different corporates insert the civic concepts into their operation and management?

To raise the awareness of corporate citizenship among local enterprises, Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) has collaborated with the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education to organise the “Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Programme” since 2010. This provides a platform for different organisations to share their best practices in corporate social responsibility (CSR), promote a wider adoption among the business community, and facilitate economic, social and environmental sustainability as the ultimate goal. Academic Corporate Citizenship Seminar is one of the activities in this Programme which aims to nurture students into responsible corporate citizens who can implement corporate citizenship into their workplace in the future.


Representatives from the following renowned companies will share with students the success stories and experience of implementing Corporate Citizenship in their workplace:

  • Meiriki Japan (Concord Alliance Limited)
  • A.S. Watson Group (Hong Kong) Ltd.
  • Hong Kong Aviation Ground Services Limited
  • Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited


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The event will be conducted in Cantonese(supplemented by English), and  recognized as a CCL activity .




為提高本地企業的企業公民意識,自 2010 年起生產力促進局與公民教育委員會合作舉辦「香港企業公民計劃」,為不同企業設立一個交流平台,分享他們實踐企業社會責任的經驗,促進企業履行公民責任,從而在經濟、社會和環境上得到可持續發展。透過學界企業公民責任講座,我們希望向學生宣揚企業公民責任的訊息及了解其重要性,以助日後於職場上履行公民責任。



  • 日本命力健康食品有限公司
  • 屈臣氏集團
  • 香港航空地面服務有限公司
  • 周大福珠寶集團有限公司


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講座將以廣東話進行(輔以英語),並為 CCL聯通課程認可活動 



Reusable Tote Design Competition


The criterion of Reusable Tote Design Competition is to submit a graphic design that is related to Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship concepts according to the specified dimensions of the recycle bag. The student with the winning design will receive a tablet worth $2,588 and the design will be featured on recycle bags for promotion. Please refer to the website for further details.




For enquiries, please contact 如有查詢,請聯絡 Miss Aggie Law 3411 2864 / Miss Yoyo Lo 3411 2049.

Date 日期 :
18 Sep 2018 (Tue)

Time 時間 :
2:30 – 4:15pm

Venue 地點 :
WLB602, 6/F, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus,Hong Kong Baptist University, 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong
逸夫校園永隆銀行商學大樓6樓 WLB 602室

All students are welcome!