The Path to Benevolence: Tin Ka Ping Foundation Service-Learning Showcase

關於展覽 / About the exhibition:
歡迎蒞臨「行道立德 啟仁導義︰田家炳學生創新服務學習巡禮」。自2020年起,承蒙田家炳基金會 (基金會) 的支持,香港浸會大學 (浸大) 設立了「田家炳學生創新服務計劃」,資助導師設計及推行帶學分的服務學習課程。透過不同類型的服務學習課程,浸大學生於課堂上修養自身,運用所學知識服務大眾,建立對社會的責任感和使命感。
Welcome to “The Path to Benevolence: Tin Ka Ping Foundation Service-Learning Showcase”, where knowledge intertwines with compassion, shaping a brighter tomorrow. We invite you to explore the transformative impact of Hong Kong Baptist University’s service-learning courses and projects on student learning, funded by Tin Ka Ping Foundation.
This exhibition presents our students’ learning journey through service-learning, where they explored the intersections of Chinese traditions with modern complexities, spanning traditional Chinese medicine, well-being and technological innovations, arts and culture, and sustainable communities. Together, HKBU’s service-learning offerings transcend boundaries, nurture holistic growth, and foster cross-cultural understanding, providing a space where creativity intertwines with social impact.
Collaboration and empathy are at the heart of service-learning. Bringing together educators and students with community partners enables our students to understand societal needs and innovate solutions for a brighter future. We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Tin Ka Ping Foundation for their unwavering dedication to education and tireless efforts in empowering young people to unleash their potential.
開幕式/ Opening Ceremony (by invitation):
Date: 1 February 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 14:30 - 15:30
展覽/ Exhibition (open to public):
Date: 1 - 6 February 2024
Time: 10:00 - 18:00
Venue: TriAngle