[Application for Admission] Service-Learning in Higher Education - Teacher Development Course 2022

GEO & Local Events

Service-Learning in Higher Education - Teacher Development Course 2022

The Service-Learning in Higher Education: Teacher Development Course 2022 will be held from 20 June to 9 July 2022 for all academic and teaching staff from higher education institutions.


e-Info Session

Date: 31 May 2022 (Tuesday)

Time: 1830-1930

Venue: Online via Zoom

Registration: https://polyu.hk/zrpby


About the course

We started the Teacher Development Course in 2014, aiming to provide systematic and on-site SL training. Since then, about 100 teachers from Hong Kong, Mainland China and other Asian regions have graduated from the course. We have received numerous positive feedback from participants and the course is refined every year to better fit the expectations and needs of teachers.


This year, the course will consist of three phrases:

Public Photos / Files - Service-Learning in Higher Education - Teacher Development Course 2022

Course Fee



Course Application

Link: https://polyu.hk/LZkiK 

Deadline: by 23:59, 13 June 2022 (Monday)  


About the Instructors

Dr Grace Ngai

Head of the Service-Learning and Leadership Office (SLLO) and the Associate Professor of the Department of Computing of PolyU


Dr Stephen Chan

Founding Head and currently the Consultant of the SLLO


Dr Ngai and Dr Chan have been involved in SL and community engagement for over 10 years. Together, they oversaw the early implementation of a university-wide initiative into using SL as a key educational strategy for undergraduates. They pioneer innovative pedagogical practices such as multicultural student teams through partnerships with local NGOs, SL exchange programmes, and “global SL classroom” initiatives, etc. They have been invited to share SL experience in many local, national, and international academic activities and published a number of book chapters and papers on international journals about SL. Their contributions have been recognized by the Hong Kong Government in its University Grants Committee Teaching Award (2016). Under their leadership, SLLO won the 2020 International Research Award of International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE). They have been the course instructors for the Teacher Development Courses since 2014.



Ms. Renee Leung

Email: wai.l@polyu.edu.hk

Tel: +852 2766 6802

Website: https://polyu.hk/SBeVf