Campus Innovations for Supporting Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Campus Innovations for Supporting Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Transforming Culture, Resources, and Practices that Enable Inclusion and Student Success
The Delphi Award, given in partnership by AAC&U and the Pullias Center for Higher Education at the University of Southern California (USC), recognizes two campuses each year for outstanding innovation in creating institutional change to support non-tenure-track faculty. This webinar will showcase the winners of the 2021 Delphi Award: the University of Denver and Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Panelists will discuss how they created policies and practices to support contingent faculty at their institutions, including tenure-track faculty lines for teaching, multiyear contracts for non-tenure track faculty, and participation in campus governance. In addition to guiding the discussion, moderators from AAC&U and USC will provide background on the Delphi Award and application information for interested campuses.
Date and Time:1:00–2:00 p.m. ET
Ashley FinleyVice President for Research and Senior Advisor to the President, AAC&U
Adrianna KezarWilbur Kieffer Endowed Professor and Dean’s Professor of Leadership, Director of the Pullias Center for Higher Education, and Director of the Delphi Project, University of Southern California
Professor of English and Former Chair of the Committee on Governance, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Professor of Biology and Biotechnology and Former Secretary of the Faculty, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Mark W. RichmanSecretary of the Faculty and Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Alison StaudingerDirector of Faculty Development and Career Advancement, University of Denver
Kate WillinkVice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Associate Professor of Communication, University of Denver