Designing Workshops on GE Courses

GEO & Local Events


2 Workshops on Designing Engaging GE Courses


– Workshop 1 – – Workshop 2 –

Designing your Engaging Interdisciplinary Courses

Designing a Service Leadership Education Course

Date: 11 Sept 2013 (Wednesday)

Time: 1:00 – 2:15 pm (Light lunch provided at 12:30pm)

Venue:  Mr and Mrs Lau Chor Tak Multi-Purpose Hall,  2/F,
                  Madam Kwok Chung Bo Fun Sports and Cultural Centre (SCC),

                Shaw Campus, HKBU


Let’s Think out of the Box!

The success of any good course depends on the design of it. Interdisciplinary General Education (IGE) courses are no different. This workshop will focus on the process of designing. We will set the framework for an IGE course which promises a wide range of desirable educational outcomes.

The process has eight steps: assembling an interdisciplinary team, selecting the topic, identifying disciplines, developing the subtexts, structuring the course, selecting readings, designing assignments, and preparing the syllabus.


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Date: 12 Sept 2013 (Thursday)

Time: 1:00 – 2:15 pm (Light lunch provided at 12:30pm)

Venue:  Mr and Mrs Lau Chor Tak Multi-Purpose Hall,  2/F,
                  Madam Kwok Chung Bo Fun Sports and Cultural Centre (SCC),

                Shaw Campus, HKBU


Strengthen Multiple Facets of your Students!

The goal of the Service Leadership Initiative for GE programme is to develop in our students the capacity to deliver services with competence, character and care. In this workshop, we will discuss how to incorporate the ideals of Service Leadership in a GE course, and facilitate student learning effectively inside or outside of the classroom.

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Prof. A. Reza Hoshmand

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Director of General Education
Hong Kong Baptist University